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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "open source" & programmation

July 2008

google-guice - Google Code

by jpcaruana & 1 other
Guice alleviates the need for factories and the use of new in your Java code. Think of Guice's @Inject as the new new. You will still need to write factories in some cases, but your code will not depend directly on them. Your code will be easier to change, unit test and reuse in other contexts.

RubyForge: Erlectricity: Information sur le projet

by jpcaruana (via)
Erlectricity exposes Ruby to Erlang and vice versa. It provides a messaging API similar to Erlang's for writing your ruby scripts that interact with erlang

sgte - Google Code

by jpcaruana (via)
sgte is an Erlang template Engine for generating structured output (code, html web pages, xml, emails, csv files, etc...).

June 2008


by jpcaruana & 2 others (via)
This visualization, called code_swarm, shows the history of commits in a software project.

May 2008

gnizr - Google Code

by jpcaruana & 2 others (via)
gnizr™ (gə-nīzər) is an open source application for social bookmarking and web mashup. It is easy to use gnizr to create a personalized portal for a group of friends and colleagues to store, classify and share information, and to mash-it-up with information about location. It's free.

April 2008

erlmail - Google Code

by jpcaruana
ErlMail is a complete email solution written in Erlang. It contains (or will contain) full RFC compliant SMTP, IMAP and POP clients and servers written in a modular fashion to allow others to use the modules in their own projects.

Platypus Page Layout and Typesetting Software

by jpcaruana (via)
Platypus is a full-featured and easy-to-use page layout and typesetting system. Inspired by technologies such as TeX, Platypus adds new features and, especially, ease of use to the generation of documents of all kinds. It is particularly adept at listing code, and so is frequently used for documentation. Input consists of text files with embedded formatting commands. These files are converted by Platypus to PDF, HTML, or Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF). Platypus is written in Java and relies on the iText library. It is available at no charge under the Apache open-source license. For more information, see the links to the left.

March 2008

February 2008

webtest - FitNesse.Info

by jpcaruana (via)
WebTest is an extension to FIT/FitNesse that implements a customer-friendly language for web testing, utilising Selenium Remote Control. WebTest runs inside FitNesse, allowing you to integrate web UI tests into an automated build system, and use other FitNesse fixtures to talk to your domain model, prepare and verify database changes during Web UI tests. Both .NET and Java FitNesse runners are supported, and the library is released under GPL. Release 2.0 is now available, significantly expanding the customer-oriented mini language for web tests and introducing much better methods for AJAX testing. This release also brings support for plain Selenium scripts, which enables people to record a UI test using point-and-click tools like Selenium IDE, but still keep all the benefits of integration with automated build tools and domain/database integration fixtures that FitNesse provides.

January 2008

Mercurial Eclipse

by jpcaruana (via)
Mercurial Eclipse is a plugin for the Eclipse platform to use Mercurial version system.

Mercurial - Mercurial

by jpcaruana
Mercurial: a fast, lightweight Source Control Management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects

November 2007


by jpcaruana
MyGWT is an open source Java library for the Google Web Toolkit. The library helps developers easily create compelling desktop like AJAX web applications. No messing around with HTML, CSS, or images, all MyGWT widgets look great out the box. MyGWT is 100% native, using no external JavaScript code or libraries. Taka a look at the Explorer Demo to see MyGWT in action. MyGWT is a sub project of Ext JS and is licensed under the Open Source LGPL 3.0 license.

October 2007

Open Java Console :: Firefox Add-ons

by jpcaruana
Provides the ability to open the Java Console in Firefox.

Grails Maven Plugin - Introduction

by jpcaruana (via)
The Grails plugin for maven is a set of goals to easily develop a Grails application using maven 2.

gwt-ext - Google Code

by jpcaruana & 1 other
GWT-Ext is a library that integrates Ext with GWT.

google-collections - Google Code

by jpcaruana & 2 others (via)
The Google Collections Library 0.5 (ALPHA) is a suite of new collections and collection-related goodness for Java 5.0, brought to you by Google. This library is a natural extension of the Java Collections Framework you already know and love. The major new types are: * BiMap. A Map that guarantees unique values, and supports an inverse view. * Multiset. A Collection that may contain duplicate values like a List, yet has order-independent equality like a Set. Often used to represent a histogram. * Multimap. Similar to Map, but may contain duplicate keys. Has subtypes SetMultimap and ListMultimap providing more specific behavior. There are also more than a dozen collection implementations, mostly of the interfaces above, but not all. ReferenceMap, for example, is a ConcurrentMap implementation which easily handles any combination of strong, soft or weak keys with strong, soft or weak values. Static utility classes include: * Comparators. Natural order, compound, null-friendly, ad-hoc . . . * Iterators and Iterables. Element-based equality, cycle, concat, partition, filter with predicate, transform with function . . . * Lists, Sets and Maps. A plethora of convenient factory methods and much more. * PrimitiveArrays: "boxing"/"unboxing" of primitive arrays And there's more: * Forwarding collections * Constrained collections * Implementation helpers like AbstractIterator To understand everything offered by this library, you'll have to explore the API using the "API documentation" link at the right. Further information can be found using "Wiki" tab above. We will post binaries soon, but until then, you can obtain the code using Subversion. Just do a checkout of We hope you find this library half as useful as we have ourselves!

Extreme Forge

by jpcaruana & 1 other
The aim of this project is to create a development environment for Extreme Programming in Erlang.

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